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What Will Happen If? / Что будет, если?
Read Что будет, если? You are a group of writers. You work for the Foretell Corporation. Your corporation predicts the future. You sell your predictions to businesses and organizations.
Yesterday the Massachusetts Society of Thinkers gave Foretell a list of 12 questions. Your group must answer those questions. Use opinions, facts, and examples in your answers.
Decide and Write 1. What will happen if there is no TV and the Internet?

2. What will happen if marijuana is legal everywhere in the world?

3. What will happen if all babies are born in test tubes?

4. What will happen if scientists find life on other planets?

5. What will happen if every government leader is a woman?

6. What will happen if there is no more oil in the world?

7. What will happen if there are no laws against pornography?

8. What will happen if scientists prove there is a God?

9. What will happen if computers replace teachers?

10. What will happen if AIDS continues to spread?

11. What will happen if Chinese becomes the international language of the world?

12. What will happen if the world’s population continues to increase rapidly?

Summary: Review the 12 questions. Which changes will be good?
Extend 1. Albert Einstein predicted that people will fight the Fourth World War "with sticks and stones." What did he mean?

2. All living things are changing. What will a human look like in 1 million years? Draw a picture.

3. Will life in the future be better than life now? Explain.

4. Write a composition about the future of your country.
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