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Unsolvable Problems / Неразрешимые проблемы
Read Неразрешимые проблемы Philosophical inquiries seldom seem to be solved satisfactorily. For example, philosophers have asked "What is beauty?" for thousands of years, but have never been able to provide an answer.
Technology often provides us with an answer to the second type of question. For example, people asked the question, "What is the atmosphere composed of on Mars?" Others then invented the technology necessary to send a spaceship to Mars to discover the answer. However, other questions — such as "What causes cancer?" — have yet to be answered.
Try to think of 8 important questions or problems in the physical universe that may never be solved (or that will present the greatest difficulty to researchers).

Try to approach the problem systematically. Consider each possible area containing problems or difficulties, such as medicine, geology.
Decide and Write Question 1:
Reason for difficulty:

Question 2:
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Question 3:
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Question 4:
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Question 5:
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Question 6:
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Question 7:
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Question 8:
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Extend 1. Do you think that humans will ever be able to prove scientifically the existence of God? What effect would such a confirmation have on the world?

2. Why do you think that governments spend more money building weapons of destruction than researching cures for disease?

3. Explain to the class what exciting possibilities you see in your own job or field of study.

4. Moving from the physical universe to philosophy: What is beauty? Write a definition of what you think beauty is.
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